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    George_Lopez (Denied) age requirements


    George_Lopez (Denied) age requirements Empty George_Lopez (Denied) age requirements

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:29 am

    Real Name: Jordan

    E-Mail Address: aadev@frontiernet.net

    Age: 12

    Country and State: Minnesota , United states

    Americas Army User Name: George_Lopez

    Americas Army Tracker link: http://aaotracker.com/usertracker.php?userid=791678

    TWL: Team Warfare League Link

    CAL: Cyber athlete League Link

    Are You or Were You In Any Past Clans I Never Was In A Clan

    What Clan(s) and Why did you Leave:

    Any current or previous bans from leagues OR AC organizations?(post all info in detail, we don't like finding out you cant play in a league): I Do Not Have Any Bans

    Would you consider yourself a Close Range Indoor Player and/or Long Range Sniper: Close Range Indoor Player, Long Range Sniper

    Are you willing to play a few matches/scrims per week: Yes

    Are you willing to donate monthly: I Will Donate When I Can

    Do you know any one of us in particular:

    Why do you want to join our team I want to join because I love playing AA and I can hardly stop playing. So i was just looking for a clan to join and I found you guys.

      Current date/time is Wed Jun 26, 2024 10:26 pm