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    SubySTi [denied] re-apply]


    SubySTi [denied] re-apply] Empty SubySTi [denied] re-apply]

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 19, 2009 2:55 pm

    Hello SubySTi,

    Real Name: Nic

    Age: 18 - 02/21/1991

    Country and State: Missouri, US

    Americas Army User Name: SubySTi

    Americas Army Tracker link: http://aaotracker.com/usertracker.php?userid=788254

    TWL: Team Warfare League Link http://www.teamwarfare.com/viewplayer.asp?player=leg!tb0t.exe-

    CAL: Cyber athlete League Link No Current CAL right now ill make one soon.

    Are You or Were You In Any Past Clans I Use To Be In A Clan

    What Clans [L.A.W.] .exe- then [name.pro] which was a clan friend and I started

    Any current or previous bans from leagues OR AC organizations?(post all info in detail, we don't like finding out you cant play in a league): I Am Banned From One or More Servers

    Would you consider yourself more of a Close Range Indoor Player or Long Range Sniper: Close Range Indoor Player

    Are you willing to play a few matches/scrims per week: Yes

    Are you willing to donate monthly: I Can't Afford It Right Now

    Do you know any one of us in particular: Played with Oh_Noes on Weapons Cache

    Why do you want to join Team eXpLiciT: Played with oh noes and he seemed pretty cool and good soo...

    Last edited by -[pRo.AFr0^]- on Thu Mar 26, 2009 3:04 am; edited 1 time in total

    SubySTi [denied] re-apply] Empty Please Register for the forum

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 19, 2009 2:56 pm

    Thanks for your application to Join eXp^. Please register for our forums so that we may keep a dialog about your application process. This process normally takes up to 72 hours, how-ever you haven't joined the forums and it may take a little longer. Please join us in-game and on ventrilo so that we can get to know ya.

    Number of posts : 187
    Age : 39
    Location : Cleveland, Usa
    Registration date : 2009-02-04

    SubySTi [denied] re-apply] Empty Re: SubySTi [denied] re-apply]

    Post by .ReL@p$e^ Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:36 am

    Thx for your application and your interest in joining Team eXpLiciT... Like WaR has posted above please register to the forums or the process of the application can take longer than 72hrs.Oh_noes , War And myself will have to discuss your application for a decision to be made.

    SubySTi [denied] re-apply] Empty He Joined another Clan

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 26, 2009 3:04 am

    He Joined .[cLutch Gaming] Clan

    Number of posts : 187
    Age : 39
    Location : Cleveland, Usa
    Registration date : 2009-02-04

    SubySTi [denied] re-apply] Empty Re: SubySTi [denied] re-apply]

    Post by .ReL@p$e^ Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:53 am

    Nah , he was in that clan when he filled out the app. But the denial is accepted because he hasnt reg or been back to check on the process of the app.

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    SubySTi [denied] re-apply] Empty Re: SubySTi [denied] re-apply]

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